
Common challenges across all the PCaB supported provinces were experienced in capacity building in financial management and ICT training. These are:

  • High staff turnover has been an ongoing issue faced in most provinces and districts resulting in incomplete transfer of knowledge and skills to treasury staff by PCaB advisors.
  • Inadequate infrastructure in provinces and districts make it difficult for PCaB advisors to transfer knowledge and skills to treasury staff. Infrastructure related issues include no electricity, inadequate computers, no road linkage to districts etc.
  • Treasury staff Attitude Some treasury staff were not committed or willing to take on the training provided by PCaB support advisors.
  • Technical Skills Most staff working in provincial and district treasuries have secondary qualification with limited skills in accounting and basic information technology skills (spreadsheet) and report writing.
  • Virus issues were found to be a common problem among the six provinces and their districts also. Thus, having less internet access made it more challenging especially when installing an antivirus software and trying to have the software updated on a regular basis or when deem necessary.
  • Training was found to be a handful and based on the competency level identified as per Training Needs Analysis (TNA) surveys. TNA highlighted that in most instances the officers [especially in the Districts & some in the Provincial Treasury office] were new to using computers as well as Microsoft Office applications Word and Excel. Trying to impart the Basic Computer knowledge to these participants was often challenging.


Provincial Capacity Building & Enhancement Programme (PCaB E) through Phase II, focuses on provincial and district financial management issues in the context of efforts to improve service delivery and enhance the effectiveness of public service programmes. The proposed goal of PCaB E is to continue strengthening sub-national financial management capacities in a sustainable manner.

To meet this overall goal, the five primary objectives of PCaB E are:

1. Enhance accountability and transparency within the PNG public finances;

2. Improving financial management capacity at sub-national levels;

3. Minimize risk of corruption;

4. Establish Public Expenditure & Financial Management framework (PEFA);

5. Support efforts for the roll-out of the IFMS in the provinces.

The project implementation is guided by the PCaB Steering Committee, chaired by the Deputy Secretary Operations of the DoF. Other members consistof a UNDP representative, a Australian Aid representative, a representative of the Department of Provincial and Local Level Government and other selected government Departments and Civil Society Organizations.